Look! Proper Maps!

We’ve just had a stack of these beautiful litho-printed late 19th century maps mounted, framed and ready for sale to the discerning punter!
Europe, North and South America, Africa, India, Australia, Asia - we’re bound to have one to suit that awkward spot in the living room, or one that would be perfect for that wedding present you must get around to thinking about…
Contact us to see if we’ve got your part of the world available.
Or maybe you’re thinking bigger, more, dare I say, global…
It took a while for the Western World to work out that the Earth was spherical, but blimey when they finally got there they produced some pretty lovely ways of showing people.We’ve got a great range of globes dating from the 1930s-1960s available, including this rather splendid 1960s American one.
These maps and globes are fascinating artefacts of their time, each one a little slice of history, showing political borders and placenames as they once were. A fascinating perusal, friends…
For more Geographical Gems, take a look at our Facebook album 'Maps Galore' http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=15510&id=112268162134592&l=6b1af2c1c3
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